Strategy The Finest Nine-Hole #Golf Course in the U.S.A.?|Golf for Beginners

And Nine-hole golf courses are regaining popularity - here's why you should consider playing nine.

A lack of time is generally the primary purpose why many golfers play nine holes instead of the regulation eighteen however there is so much greater to advantage from a nine-hollow course.

The Finest Nines, a book written about the first-rate 9-hollow golf guides in North America, states its case for the cost of a quick path.

A "complete" round of golf today is eighteen holes, which is based on The Old Course in St. Andrews; originally this course had twenty-two holes but, if you look back even earlier into Scottish history (as far back as 1562), golfers played twenty-five holes!

In his e book, author Anthony Pioppi states that a 9-hole spherical of golf is flawlessly legitimate and that golfers need to embrace nine holes and supply the publications on this ebook validation as a true take a look at of a golfers' competencies.

Did you understand, according to the USGA, "the First U.S. Open in 1895 become played on a nine-hole course"?

Nine holes also are first-rate for a fast take a look at of abilties, an afternoon walk, and that it is absolutely "professional" and counts in the direction of your handicap!

According to a press release issued by the USGA and the R&A, in 2020, a universal golf handicap system will take effect."A minimal number of scores needed to obtain a new handicap; a recommendation that the number of scores needed to obtain a new handicap be 54 holes from any combination of 18-hole and 9-hole rounds."

The courses in The Finest Nines were selected for their architecture; strategy and shotmaking, how a golfer makes his way from tee to green and the diversity of the par-3's, 4's and 5's were the determining factors considered.

So, which course did the author hail as the "finest nine-hole course in the country?"

Pick up a copy of the book and find out! Okay, okay, spoiler alert - it's Whitinsville Golf Club in Whitinsville, Massachusetts!

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